I would like to know what are mobs data (attributes) like.
From DOL I saw this:
So with this you create templates.
What are those templates like for your regular mobs and what are they like for the dummies?
It is to understand the impact of weaponskill and defenses on dummies and mobs.
From DOL I saw this:
Fields and Value
Here are the stuff to pattern your Mobs! Finally you can set your mob appearance, size, speed, level, aggressive behaviour anything to make it live!
GuildName : tinytext
Model : (Splittable) tinytext
Model ID
Size : (Splittable) tinytext
Size of the Model, or Splittable String of Size to randomize Mob/NPC size appearance
MaxSpeed : smallint(6)
Max Speed of the Mob/NPC while moving.
Flags : smallint(3), Binary Code
Special status of the Mob/NPC
MeleeDamageType : tinyint(3) crush/slash/thrust
ParryChance, EvadeChance, BlockChance, LeftHandSwingChance : tinyint(3) Self-explanatory too, based on 0% to 100% for maximum chance.
Spells, Styles : (Splittable) TextSplittable String that describe the spells and styles a Mob/NPC can use, spells are based on “Spell ID” from Spell table, styles are bases on “Style ID|Class ID” from Style table
Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Quickness, Piety, Intelligence, Charisma, Empathy : int(11)
Stats of the Mob/NPC, be aware that damage and other abilities may not follow Player rules... Base value is 30
Abilities : (Splittable) Text
String that list Abilities KeyName of the Mob/NPC piped with Ability level for example : “Intercept|1;CCImmunity|1” will give the Mob/NPC the listed abilities, references Ability table.
AggroLevel : tinyint(3)
AggroRange : int(11)
ClassType : text
Level : (Splittable) text
Collection and Ranges of integer representing the Mob/NPC Level, based on the same levels as players... for example a Mob that can spawn at level 46 or 48 to 52 would be the string “46;48-52”
BodyType : int(11) Humanoid, Undead, etc...
So with this you create templates.
What are those templates like for your regular mobs and what are they like for the dummies?
It is to understand the impact of weaponskill and defenses on dummies and mobs.