Extended usage of Bounty-points.

Started 18 Sep 2018
by Kurara
in Ask the Team
Bountypoints are only usefull for Reskins at the moment, which are fun, but once you got them you start horting loads and loads of Bp without having any real need for them. On the other hand i´m always short on feathers, as they are needed for Charges/ pots/ procs/ reactives and items on the merchants. So i wondered if there should/ could be a possibility to exchange Bp for feathers. Like 30k Bp will grant access to 15k feather items, or in similar ratios exchangeable for tears etc..
(Probably even the possibility to buy encounters for less visited bosses)

As i´m playing 90% rvr i quickly got to the point where i have to rountinely take part in galla raids to keep charges etc up for fighting, without the chance of using those feathers for buiyng items from them (because without charges especially solo players are not even close to competable in rvr as it is now). It sure brings alot of action to the epic dungeons, but on a high price for the few people leading those raids... 3-4 times a week...

Probably there should be another option for gaining feathers, it could, for some people, be a valuable alternative and will take tension from the poor raidleads spending their whole freetime underground, facing randome Sporite Cluster adds . Plus at the moment there is barely any real need for BP, but feathers are needed for almost everything related to late/ endgame. Might be a option to enable players to use their Bp to sublimate the high amount of feathers needed on the daily daoc life.

I hope other player wills participate in this discussion and offer their opinions on this!

PS: Yes, RvR-Tasks yield feathers too, but especially for casual players that amount is by far not enough (too time expensive) to keep them going without investing large amounts of time into PvE to stay on the line.
Wed 19 Sep 2018 1:41 PM by rubaduck
I could support this for sure, but 100 to 1 though. BP's are so easy to farm.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 3:46 PM by schreon
If you would make Phoenix Ash cost BPs instead of feathers, RvR-only players would have something to trade with PvE-only players who hoard a lot of feathers / tears.

Currently, no one offers tears / ash for reasonable prices in HZ because you have 0 incentive to give them away. But if you get surplus of one resource and a deficit of another resource at the same time, you will start trading.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 5:28 PM by Kaziera
i support the idea of a bridge between pvp-currency (BP) and pve-currency (Feathers)
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