Crauchon, Beno, Bled Porter for the Realm holding the keep.

Started 18 Sep 2018
by Kurara
in Ask the Team
Imho main RvR zone has and ever willbe Emain. Even if there is RvR-Tasks in Mid or Alb, right after the task is done every action rolls back to Emain instantly. Guess the accuracy of this can easily be traced by recording the killspam a couple of days.

So, Hibernia is in a great disdvantage here, as they are the only realm that has to run for 15 min to get to the main event zone. Being farmed right outside DL, or at the Breif boarder. There is no other realm that camped and there is a reason - see above ^^.

Cutting Emain, Odin and Hadrian from the regular RvR-Task and give them the Porter role would help alot. And here is the reason why i think that is:

Odin and Hadrian are of no real interest at all, anyway (defending the keeps their is almost impossible for the respective realm cause of the difference in distance to travel... 10 min can be enough to raid a keep and killtasks in Emain/ odin/ hadri only ends up in emain anyway) .... but if the 3 realms get the chance to port there and therfore additionaly get easier access to some of the Task-keeps there is a high incentive to raid them. Especially for Hibs there is. So those 3 zones willbe facing alot of action only due to the fact that they allow realms to port, so there would be no further need to keep them into task-action without loosing action there.

The inequallity in qol on the different realms would be nullified with this, without bringing disadvantages to any of the realms. I guess that even alb and mids would enjoy the more frequent action in emain as they would not have to wait for 10 min for hibs to come back into fight....

Hoping for your opinions on this.

Ps: Keeps under siege would stop their porter function ofc.
Tue 18 Sep 2018 3:56 PM by jelzinga_EU
Crim / Bolg would be better (and the equivalents in Albion / Mid obv. then changed too). Or make a safe-port in the middle of Breifine / Jamt / Pennine for the respective realm and allow porting to there (so a HTK in Breifine, MTK in Jamt, ATK in Pennine)
Tue 18 Sep 2018 4:00 PM by Gohanssj
Or horse routes, but no doubt the drop off would have 50000 mincers waiting ^^

Hibs have always been screwed but emain, it would be much better if people were just willing to use all 3 PK zones at once so that action was spread out, and hibs could port HW or OG if they didn't wanna run to emain. but people get such o boner over emain that it just won't happen
Tue 18 Sep 2018 5:06 PM by Waygone
There has been times when population is at or around peak that I've considered Odins or Hadrian's as an option. Just to zergy at those times. And this is with population barely reaching 500. I imagine that at i50, and especially release, the population will spread out into those zones as well.
Although, I am not against being able to port to your own realms rvr zones if you own the keep.
Wed 19 Sep 2018 12:52 AM by Tristaluna
Would be like play in a Cathal Valley imo
Wed 19 Sep 2018 1:32 AM by Takii
I never had trouble getting action to move to alb or mid in classic live, just go take a keep or two. The problem isn't that people don't want to rvr in Alb or mid, it's that they want to know there will be people there. Make your presence known and they will come.
Wed 19 Sep 2018 4:36 PM by Fugax
I think you should think about it from the other side as well. I understand the frustration regarding having to travel to emain, or getting ganked otw to emain. However, being an Alb current think of the frustration of getting past AMG when FGM and FGH are out, or even a stealth grp. Some days its damn near impossible due to the camping going on. So in regards to a porter... I think it is not the best idea, but an idea non-less. Each realm struggles a bit regardless.

Think of running to emain a way of getting some small man action or 8v8 outside emain.. Emain can be such a cluster, and having a porter in there isn't the best way. Depending on who has the biggest numbers, I dont think albs or mids would get outta gates... Meh. just my thought. Thanks for sharing your ideas to bounce off.

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