- defense penetration changes:
-- when using a style the higher of style spec and base weapon spec is used (for the styled attack only, offhand / unstyled uses base weapon spec)
- dual wield now reduces block and evade chance by 1/4 (down from 1/2)
I was searching the forums for defense penetration info (glad to see it's implemented!) but I found this and needed some clarification on the underlined section above.
Example of what I think this means:
"If I use a style in Dual Wield, and my DW spec is 10 but my Slash spec is 50, then it uses 50 for the purpose of defense penetration."
Is that correct? Is it just for defense penetration (and not damage)?
I thought it was always suppose to use the base weapon spec and never use Dual Wield or Critical Strike, but then it wouldn't use base weapon spec for Large Weapons while it would for Polearm (because Mythic was weird).
As to the second part of the patch notes (dual wield vs block/evade chance), is that just a custom team decision? I don't think I saw that when I went through the wiki. Was the same change applied to 2 handed weapons vs parry?