Buff Shears - how did they affect daoc?

Started 6 Apr 2019
by Lanfear
in Ask the Team
hello guys

as i remember it, buffs shears were introduced to give high augmentation specced characters "something meaningful to do" while trying to stay alive. i left DAOC when Buffbots where a common, the walls of every portal keep were held up by those grateful characters.

buffs here are very easy to get. with those buff potions. i really wonder if it would be a good idea for the game to introduce buff shears. the only reason i would be willing to play a high aug shaman.

what are your thoughts on that?
- would it be a good idea?
- would it be possible to integrate into phoenix daoc?

please keep it calm and civil i really dislike to read hateful topics.

thanks in advance!
Sat 6 Apr 2019 11:33 PM by teiloh
Shears were gimmicky and made buffing even more obnoxious than it already was. I'd prefer active abilities in buff lines instead, along the lines of focus shell, some of the new Shaman buffs (but not as OP), etc.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 7:59 PM by Joc
If you can't find something to do on a sham, the fight is going very well, or you don't understand the role of a shaman in rvr. They are one of the busiest classes of all. The cover interrupts, diseases, cures, backup heals, backup rez, and need good prekiting. They are also usually top priority target for most enemy groups.

Shams already have a ton to do every fight.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 1:25 AM by Citian
The introduction of buff shears would benefit:

Midgard and Hibernia the most. Albion the least.

Generally it would just be annoying because, much like with buffs, if theres an edge worth exploiting it will be done and some realms struggle as it is. Adding the need for an additional spec (or class) in a group setting is more or less restrictive dependent on the realm youre looking at and so probably also your perspective.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:42 AM by dansari
Buff shears would be annoying and anecdotally I doubt would be very popular
Mon 8 Apr 2019 8:52 AM by dudis
While I do like buff shears, I dont think they would work very well in this era of daoc.

You'd need to also add some ToA-tools such as group cure disease to help supports in other ways, with all the re-buffing they would now have to be doing.

On the other hand, at least it would force people to actually bother getting buff-charges I suppose
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