I may have asked this on the wrong subject channel, so I will repeat this question here.
I am fiddling with a hero and would like to know a little more technical detail as regards blocking and capping that attribute.
Assumption: The opening page stating that blocking is capped at 60% and parrying is capped at 50% (I think this was for RvR) is still true.
My level 47 Hero blocks yellow con mobs at a fairly consistent rate, around 45% (which is shown with blue text after each successful block). He is currently a mix of blocking and RA Mastery of Blocking. He currently has 47 in shield with a +8 skills modifier, and his Mastery of blocking is currently MOB III (6%). If we oversimplify this result mathematically, then the 45% (total) - 6% (MOBIII) = 39% is resulting from his shield skill. That would make one point in shield equal to about 0.70% (39/(47+8)).
If we extrapolate that a bit and assume at level 50 I will have the theoretical max stuffed into blocking (Shields = 50 +12 or 62 total) then the block rate will be about 43.4%, and I could theoretically cap blocking at Mastery of blocking VII = 18%. The resulting calculation would be 43.4% + 18% = 61.4%, with the cap at 60% overall.
My question is fairly simplistic and complex at the same time. It appears you can cap blocking a variety of ways using the two pertinent skills (shield and MOB RA), the question is ... is there any advantage to one option versus another - and especially so in light of fighting a red con mob, or another player?
Follow on Question 1: Is there any benefits or unknown math involved that may lean a player towards advancing the RA instead of the base block rate?
An example would be something akin to "less points into shield and more points into the MOB RA" to cap the statistic.
Follow on Question 2: Is blocking NOT capped for PvE and fighting mobs?
This would imply that I could continue to raise the blocking rate for PvE with additional points in the MOB RA - raising it as high as 70% (Max the RA added to
the max of shield skill)
If I was building a farming toon I might want to continue to build out the block skill past the RvR cap as it would be useful in PvE. Something worth contemplating on some level, even though there are other farming toons that kill faster or in quantity.
Thanks for any responses, and my apologies for requiring a degree in Calculus to illuminate this subject.
I am fiddling with a hero and would like to know a little more technical detail as regards blocking and capping that attribute.
Assumption: The opening page stating that blocking is capped at 60% and parrying is capped at 50% (I think this was for RvR) is still true.
My level 47 Hero blocks yellow con mobs at a fairly consistent rate, around 45% (which is shown with blue text after each successful block). He is currently a mix of blocking and RA Mastery of Blocking. He currently has 47 in shield with a +8 skills modifier, and his Mastery of blocking is currently MOB III (6%). If we oversimplify this result mathematically, then the 45% (total) - 6% (MOBIII) = 39% is resulting from his shield skill. That would make one point in shield equal to about 0.70% (39/(47+8)).
If we extrapolate that a bit and assume at level 50 I will have the theoretical max stuffed into blocking (Shields = 50 +12 or 62 total) then the block rate will be about 43.4%, and I could theoretically cap blocking at Mastery of blocking VII = 18%. The resulting calculation would be 43.4% + 18% = 61.4%, with the cap at 60% overall.
My question is fairly simplistic and complex at the same time. It appears you can cap blocking a variety of ways using the two pertinent skills (shield and MOB RA), the question is ... is there any advantage to one option versus another - and especially so in light of fighting a red con mob, or another player?
Follow on Question 1: Is there any benefits or unknown math involved that may lean a player towards advancing the RA instead of the base block rate?
An example would be something akin to "less points into shield and more points into the MOB RA" to cap the statistic.
Follow on Question 2: Is blocking NOT capped for PvE and fighting mobs?
This would imply that I could continue to raise the blocking rate for PvE with additional points in the MOB RA - raising it as high as 70% (Max the RA added to
the max of shield skill)
If I was building a farming toon I might want to continue to build out the block skill past the RvR cap as it would be useful in PvE. Something worth contemplating on some level, even though there are other farming toons that kill faster or in quantity.
Thanks for any responses, and my apologies for requiring a degree in Calculus to illuminate this subject.