Seeing this kind of video make re-inforce my point of view about Mid having easier access to high utility class, no other realm can have so much utility in one grp. I don't know your spec but 3 healer + 1 shaman + 2 heavy mdps + 1 peeler and 1 light tank that can do lot of dmg (and can rupt), it's potentially 2 heal support 2 that can heal if needed 2 demezz, and 3mdps (assuming skald and warrior switch) 1 rupt and 1 peel. I only see two way of killing you, playing your own game + a warden, I think this is what doki doki is doing or theurg that can rupt your healer, although i'm sure shamy with low spec into sub can aeroot/ or dot these pets.
BUT, don't get me wrong, those are nice vids and nice fight !