Paladin AF does not stack with the Paladin's self AF buff.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with cleric/potion spec AF buff.
On live these abilities stack with each other, which makes running a Paladin more viable and also gives an Alb tank setup a defensive edge.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with the Paladin's self AF buff.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with cleric/potion spec AF buff.
On live these abilities stack with each other, which makes running a Paladin more viable and also gives an Alb tank setup a defensive edge.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with cleric/potion spec AF buff.
On live these abilities stack with each other, which makes running a Paladin more viable and also gives an Alb tank setup a defensive edge.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with the Paladin's self AF buff.
Paladin AF chant does not stack with cleric/potion spec AF buff.
On live these abilities stack with each other, which makes running a Paladin more viable and also gives an Alb tank setup a defensive edge.