normally you can not start to put a spell in the spellqueue of the necromancer pet while it is outside of the target range. This is reflected by a chat message telling the player that their pet is out of range.
However there seems to be an issue with the range determination as it also seems to utilize the distance of the shade to the target? (speculation)
The core problem is, if your shade is in range, while your pet is not, you can start to put a spell in the spellqueue which results in no error message and the power for said spell just vanishing in thin air. This is not normal behavior for the necromancer/pet. Normally you can not put a spell in the spellqueue while the pet is out of range. This is normally reflected and shown to the player by the error message that your pet is out of range. For some reason this error message just vanishes if the shade gets in range, even tho the pet is still out of range. The error message specifically says the pet is out of range so the position of the shade shouldn't even matter for this case.
This might be a bug result of the added LOS checks for necromancer/pets for towers/doors/etc. (speculation)
This is a huge power drain issue in rvr because while running towards an enemy your shade gets in range first and you consume power for absoluty nothing because of this bug. Furthermore because you don't even get any error message for this problem most people don't even realize the issue is there.
Here is a video to showcase the issue with an audio explanation:
-Necromancer should not be able to put spells in the spellqueue if the pet is out of range, even if the shade itself is in range.
-The error message that your pet is out of range should not vanish when your shade gets in range, while your pet is still out of range.
normally you can not start to put a spell in the spellqueue of the necromancer pet while it is outside of the target range. This is reflected by a chat message telling the player that their pet is out of range.
However there seems to be an issue with the range determination as it also seems to utilize the distance of the shade to the target? (speculation)
The core problem is, if your shade is in range, while your pet is not, you can start to put a spell in the spellqueue which results in no error message and the power for said spell just vanishing in thin air. This is not normal behavior for the necromancer/pet. Normally you can not put a spell in the spellqueue while the pet is out of range. This is normally reflected and shown to the player by the error message that your pet is out of range. For some reason this error message just vanishes if the shade gets in range, even tho the pet is still out of range. The error message specifically says the pet is out of range so the position of the shade shouldn't even matter for this case.
This might be a bug result of the added LOS checks for necromancer/pets for towers/doors/etc. (speculation)
This is a huge power drain issue in rvr because while running towards an enemy your shade gets in range first and you consume power for absoluty nothing because of this bug. Furthermore because you don't even get any error message for this problem most people don't even realize the issue is there.
Here is a video to showcase the issue with an audio explanation:
-Necromancer should not be able to put spells in the spellqueue if the pet is out of range, even if the shade itself is in range.
-The error message that your pet is out of range should not vanish when your shade gets in range, while your pet is still out of range.