Apprentice Merchant --- full metal and full wood pg1. full leather and tools pg2.
Grandmaster Merchant --- full metal and full wood pg1. full leather and tools pg2. some horse crafting items pg3.
Incantation Merchant --- full SC mats pg 1, recharge dust? pg2, stable concoctive and ereactive catalysts, fireworks and alch kit pg3, volitile catalysts pg 4 and SC kit pg5.
Alchemy Master Merchant looks fine.
Potion and Tincture Ingredients Merchant --- full leather and cloth pg1, full thread and sewing kit pg2, tailors patters and some horse crafting pg3.
Potion and Pioson Ingredients Merchant --- same as apprentice merchant plus feathers on pg2.
Siegecraft supplies --- Empty.
Taxidermist --- Empty.
Grandmaster Merchant --- full metal and full wood pg1. full leather and tools pg2. some horse crafting items pg3.
Incantation Merchant --- full SC mats pg 1, recharge dust? pg2, stable concoctive and ereactive catalysts, fireworks and alch kit pg3, volitile catalysts pg 4 and SC kit pg5.
Alchemy Master Merchant looks fine.
Potion and Tincture Ingredients Merchant --- full leather and cloth pg1, full thread and sewing kit pg2, tailors patters and some horse crafting pg3.
Potion and Pioson Ingredients Merchant --- same as apprentice merchant plus feathers on pg2.
Siegecraft supplies --- Empty.
Taxidermist --- Empty.