KT Item NPC's Unresponsive at seemingly random intervals

Started 13 Jan 2019
by rafjord
in Resolved Issues
seemingly random KT NPC's are unresponsive, w/o even any dialogue or the ability to drag and drop items that I DO 100% qualify for reward.
Commandant Hayward, Cornwall Station, Sack of Grain.
Blair Aldar, CWStation, Dunter Head.

Issue Timeline

13 Jan 2019 rafjord created this issue
13 Jan 2019 benfalk assigned this issue from Nobody to benfalk
13 Jan 2019 benfalk changed the status of this issue from in_progress to resolved
Sun 13 Jan 2019 4:42 PM by Llaw
The reason you can't turn them in is because you're limited to only being able to turn in 10 XP items (of any classification) per level. That means you can only turn in one full stack per level. If you turn in a stack while you're close to leveling up, the items that get claimed after reaching that level, will be consumed on the new level, limiting the amount of XP items you may turn in on that level.

It's a new change after the beta, probably implemented because they added the new /task system, which made leveling up extremely trivial. So, XP loot had to suffer because of it.
Sun 13 Jan 2019 4:45 PM by Llaw

You are 3 bubbles from leveling up. Each item turned in grants you exactly 1 bubble (for simplicity's sake).

You turn in a complete stack. All of them are consumed (because you have not turned in any other XP items on your current level). The three first ones are consumed on your initial level. The seven remaining will be consumed on the next level, which will limit the amount of additional XP items you may turn in on the new level to 3 (since you've already turned in 7 from the original stack).
Sun 13 Jan 2019 5:28 PM by benfalk
This wasn't really an issue; just seems that way due to poor player experience with changes made to the exp items
Sun 13 Jan 2019 5:57 PM by rafjord
I stopped playing shortly after i50 so I missed that. thanks gents. llaw, looking forward to some vids ;]

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