The download link on the main phoenix website uses the following link:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="nk-btn nk-btn-lg nk-btn-color-main-1 link-effect-2">Game Client</a>
EA has changed the actual transport for this URL to HTTPS, which means that browsers that don't have aggressive HSTS settings (or the domain policy for the already configured) that the file won't download when the link is clicked.
To fix this, please update the source for the main page to the following:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="nk-btn nk-btn-lg nk-btn-color-main-1 link-effect-2">Game Client</a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="nk-btn nk-btn-lg nk-btn-color-main-1 link-effect-2">Game Client</a>
EA has changed the actual transport for this URL to HTTPS, which means that browsers that don't have aggressive HSTS settings (or the domain policy for the already configured) that the file won't download when the link is clicked.
To fix this, please update the source for the main page to the following:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="nk-btn nk-btn-lg nk-btn-color-main-1 link-effect-2">Game Client</a>