-Buffs cast by Suppression spec pets (both buffer/melee and healer pets) are cast on the target (either player or other pets) TWICE
-Buffs cast by Suppression spec pets (buffer/melee only tested so far) are infinitely cast on players when a superior buff already exists on the player
1. Pet starts casting buff
2. Buff casting completes
3. Buff applies to the target
4. Pet starts casting the same buff again (casting before check for existing buff called, or check for existing buff and casting called at the same time?)
5. Buff casting completes
6. Buff applies to target a 2nd time
7. Pet starts casting next buff
Possible Causes:
-Script to buff checks for its target's buffed status in the wrong order OR
-There is no "if_buffed, break, end" portion of the script for if the target has the buff
-Functions to check for if buff exists and for casting are called together instead of first one, break_if_buffed, then the other
This issue persists, even after the July 31st patch
-Buffs cast by Suppression spec pets (both buffer/melee and healer pets) are cast on the target (either player or other pets) TWICE
-Buffs cast by Suppression spec pets (buffer/melee only tested so far) are infinitely cast on players when a superior buff already exists on the player
1. Pet starts casting buff
2. Buff casting completes
3. Buff applies to the target
4. Pet starts casting the same buff again (casting before check for existing buff called, or check for existing buff and casting called at the same time?)
5. Buff casting completes
6. Buff applies to target a 2nd time
7. Pet starts casting next buff
Possible Causes:
-Script to buff checks for its target's buffed status in the wrong order OR
-There is no "if_buffed, break, end" portion of the script for if the target has the buff
-Functions to check for if buff exists and for casting are called together instead of first one, break_if_buffed, then the other
This issue persists, even after the July 31st patch