We tested many styles today, and there were some very wrong issues with the damage. Snow Shower Rear Snare style has a growth rate of 0.65, The follow up style is Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm should have a growth rate of 0.88. Snow Shower hit main hand for 157 for 30 swings. Thungerstormg only hit for 136 main hand. I do not know that the growth rate is right for snow shower, but i do know there is now way thunderstorm should hit for less than snow shower.
All tests done with 40 nurture druid capped bases and yellow spec buffs with 17% haste.
Snow Shower 0.65 growth rate - 157 main hand
Thunderstorm 0.88 growth rate - 136 main hand
Also the side chain is wrong. Ice Storm > Tempest > Supernova.
Icestorm 0.77 Growth rate - 157 Main hand.
Tempest 0.98 growth rate - 183 main hand
Supernova 1.28 Growth rate - 184mand hand.
Here you can see snow shower and icestorm a .65GR and a .77GR style have the same dmg. And you can see that .98GR style has the same damage as 1.28GR style. I cant say which values are wrong. But these numbers do not line up. Supernova and thunderstorm are too low, and there is a problem with either snow shower or ice storm.
All tests done with 40 nurture druid capped bases and yellow spec buffs with 17% haste.
Snow Shower 0.65 growth rate - 157 main hand
Thunderstorm 0.88 growth rate - 136 main hand
Also the side chain is wrong. Ice Storm > Tempest > Supernova.
Icestorm 0.77 Growth rate - 157 Main hand.
Tempest 0.98 growth rate - 183 main hand
Supernova 1.28 Growth rate - 184mand hand.
Here you can see snow shower and icestorm a .65GR and a .77GR style have the same dmg. And you can see that .98GR style has the same damage as 1.28GR style. I cant say which values are wrong. But these numbers do not line up. Supernova and thunderstorm are too low, and there is a problem with either snow shower or ice storm.